News and updates

  • Scholarship Deadline Extended: April 27, 2018

    We’ve received several requests over the past few days to extend the deadline and provide folks with a chance to complete their applications. In part, this is due to issues we’ve been having with the scholarship website. Your requests have been heard and we’ll be extending the deadline by three weeks. The new deadline for submitting…

  • 2017 Nahom Berhane Scholarship Recipients Announced

    2017 Nahom Berhane Scholarship Recipients Announced

    On Tuesday, July 18 we had the privilege of awarding two talented young people with the Nahom Berhane Scholarship for Leadership and Inclusion. 

  • Applications Closed for 2017

    Applications Closed for 2017

    Thank you everyone for your interest in the Nahom Berhane Scholarship for Leadership and Inclusion. We asked our community leaders to put their name forward for another year, and they did not disappoint. We have applications from such a diverse group of folks from across the GTA. At this point we are no longer accepting…

  • Nahom Scholarship Deadline Extended

    Nahom Scholarship Deadline Extended

    We’re happy to announce that the deadline for the Nahom Scholarship 2017 Competition has been extended by one month. The new deadline for all applications is April 17, 2017 by 5:00p.m. If you’ve already submitted an application and wish to resubmit or if you have any questions about the scholarship, please send an email to [email protected].…

  • Now Accepting Applications

    Now Accepting Applications

    Happy New Year! We hope that you were able to find a moment during the holiday season to spend time with family, enjoy some good food, and stay warm! On our end, we were busy getting everything ready for 2017 and we’re happy to announce that we are again accepting applications for the Nahom Berhane…

  • Scholarship Recipients Announced

    Scholarship Recipients Announced

    Last night we had the privileged of awarding two very deserving young people with the first iteration of the Nahom Berhane Scholarship for leadership and inclusion. The award ceremony was held during the Access Alliance Annual General Meeting, and along with Nahom’s Family, the honourable Minister Albanese was present to congratulate the award recipients for their…

  • Presentation of Scholarship – September 28, 2016

    It’s been some time since we last provided an update…and that’s because we’ve been quietly working behind the scenes. Preparing for the inaugural presentation of the Nahom Berhane Scholarship for Leadership and Inclusion!

  • Priya donates $10,000 to Nahom Berhane Scholarship Fund

    Last Friday, Priya Saha, recipient of the Yuzyk Award for Youth Presented by Citizenship and Immigration Canada, donated the $10,000.00 award to the Nahom Berhane Scholarship fund, spearheaded by Access Alliance. Priya was born and raised in Toronto, and is very active in her own community: she is involved in the Newcomer Orientation Week (NOW)…

  • We’re getting there with your help!

    Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the fund, spread the word, and have ultimately help us to reach 25% of our overall goal! With your help and contributions, we’re just short of $25,000.00 This is a huge achievement that we’re all really proud of and we need your help to keep the momentum…

  • Launch of the Nahom Berhane Scholarship for Leadership and Inclusion

    September 22 was a fantastic day–it marked the launch of the Nahom Berhane Scholarship for Leadership and Inclusion.